Are you saying that you are a sales person and you don't lie to yourself? Let's see if that is the case. Lie #1: "If my company reduced prices, I would reach…
It used to happen often that prospect threw away commercial letters they…
Never give a presentation that you would not be willing to listen to.…
Beautiful stands, expensive tickets, glossy brochures. It was a wonderful…
Providing first class customer service is not enough - that should be…
Products delivered. So what's next? Now it is the time to secure customer…
13 lessons of WOM Marketing Word of mouth marketing is trying to work with…
Even when we are trying to listen, we just often don't do it. The reason is…
LinkedIn plans to introduce new functions for companies, which will enable…
Making customers really excited about your product is not just about your…
In reality, most companies make money on a handful of clients.&…
Google Inc. improved its search function by …
LinkedIn can do both - help select new leads as well as increase the share…