Introverts do not live in complete isolation; they are, however, rather selective in their choice of partners and friends. Introverted people are, of course, still…
In the past few years there has been a lot of talk about procrastination, a…
It may be surprising or not, but the performance of a salesperson is…
92 percent of salespeople could do better in building and maintaining…
Every salesperson should be able to persuade individuals or groups of…
Whether you are arranging the first meeting with a client where you plan to…
The client not being interested is a problem that you have to be able to…
Whether you work in marketing, PR or sales, presentation skills are…
Google Alerts is a tool that will send you e-mails notifying you of topics…
It is not necessarily easy, even for experienced and skilled individuals,…
For many companies, successful prospection of new clients is an existential…
Do you know the classic tale about the growing company and its successes?…
Arousing initial interest in customers is the alpha and omega of sales.…