Marketing – HR news

Google+ launches the first ATL campaign

United Kingdom - Google launches its first big ATL campaign for Google+ to increase the number of active users. Under the title "That's the Plus," it demonstrates…

A novelty or a new trend?

A novelty or a new trend?

Marketing planning should ideally be able to recognize what novelties are…

How to sell your marketing strategy to the sales department?

Článek v rámci předplatného How to sell your marketing strategy to the sales department?

In order to achieve a continuous inflow of customers,…

Článek v rámci předplatného Product differentiation

Products can be differentiated from competition based on quality, service…

SEO: Don't forget to optimize your press releases

Článek v rámci předplatného SEO: Don't forget to optimize your press releases

Most of the media today is published on the Internet, and you certainly…

Článek v rámci předplatného Segmentation strategy: The need for a regular revision

Have you tested creative, slogans, calls to action, and your conversion…

A new feature on LinkedIn: Follow company

A new feature on LinkedIn: Follow company

LinkedIn announced the launch of a new program that allows following a…

How to drive up Microsoft share price with marketing?

How to drive up Microsoft share price with marketing?

Microsof t's share price has fallen by about half since late 1999.  …

How much is SEO?

In December 2011, a research was conducted among SEO consultants and…

Two-thirds of U.S. marketers believe in success through SEO

Článek v rámci předplatného Two-thirds of U.S. marketers believe in success through SEO

Based on the U.S. report by Valpak and the Cox Media Group, businesses are…

Článek v rámci předplatného Planning to expand your market? Focus on Brazil

The best way to effectively enter Brazilian market is to get connected with…

Marketing lessons from Kodak?s bankruptcy

Článek v rámci předplatného Marketing lessons from Kodak?s bankruptcy

According to Kodak´s CEO Antonio M. Perez, the company´s file…

Článek v rámci předplatného 9 issues why sales don?t like marketing

It is well known that the success of the company lies in the cooperation of…

Listing 261 to 273 out of 297