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Your query "Prodejn%C3%AD%20techniky" has returned 657 articles.

Do you want clients to come back again and again? Create a subscription service


Do you want to make your customers come back to your product again and again? The easiest way is to implement subscription services, which regularly provide your service or product to a client and he…

Článek v rámci předplatného 8 sales tips which may surprise you


The server published facts about sales which you may not know.  1) Customers want to buy  People like to buy things, but they don´t like to be sold something. So don´t persuade or manipulate…

What with a client who doesn't respond?


Does it sometimes happen that you are you dealing with a business prospect, which seems promising, but the client suddenly stops communicating? The server shows how to make client respond…

Článek v rámci předplatného Sales strategy made to measure for your client


Do you want to outperform the competition? Then provide sales and marketing tailor-made for your client. The server advises how to do it. 1) Connect sales and marketing It is…

Článek v rámci předplatného Sales mindset: Before and after


Reprogramming your mindset with success as the objective is a necessity when you feel that your results are not as good as they should be. It means that you will no longer repeat your persuasive sales…

Článek v rámci předplatného Seven tips for better cold calling


Do you use cold calling to gain new clients? The server has a few pieces of advice to help you. 1) Find out information about the person you're calling It should be automatic, but…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to get your clients to make referrals


Referrals to potential clients from your existing clients can be very helpful for your business. The server asked several entrepreneurs how to get clients to recommend your company.…

Is your product worth it? Find out how customers see it


We use a variety of tricks during the sales pitch. But, have you ever thought about measuring how much clients appreciate your product? The server brings a few tips how to find out. If you use…

Článek v rámci předplatného Asking for a pay rise


If one wants to succeed with a request for a higher salary, it is necessary to consider what the consequences of such a pay rise might be for one's boss and the company as a whole. It is essential…

Článek v rámci předplatného Clues in the office of a prospect: How to read them


It can be very helpful to read what is written in the appearance of a prospects office. All things can tell us, at least with some certain probability, something about his or her personality,…

Článek v rámci předplatného Do you want to be a successful seller? Find out the client's why


Every seller can explain what the product can do. Plenty of them can also explain how it works. Most of them are satisfied with explaining only these two points to the client. Do you see yourself in…

Everyday negotiations


Negotiation skills are very important not only in your professional life, but also in your personal life. You can negotiate in order to close a big deal, to get more interesting and challenging tasks…

Článek v rámci předplatného 10 steps to a great product


Investing big money in marketing and expecting it to sell your product is quite naive. In most cases, this is just a quick way to learn that there is no interest in your product. So how to create and…

Článek v rámci předplatného How to beat a cheaper offer


If your product is the cheapest one among similar, or at least seemingly similar, offers on the market, you can just go ahead and skip this article entirely. However, every other salesperson has many…

Článek v rámci předplatného Extra effort needed: How to get in touch with prospect client


This is an eternal question in sales. The potential customer does not answer calls. Should we invest a little bit more of our valuable time? The answer is not easy. The high-energy speaker and…

Listing 586 to 600 out of 657