3 ways how to build real rapport


Some sellers think that the key to making a sale is getting the customer to like them. This is true to some extent. However, the really important question is how to do it. Salespeople often answer that they are polite and friendly. They sometimes chat or tell jokes or they talk about children. However, this does not have much to do with rapport. These conversations have their value, but only if they are limited. Callcentrehelper.com published a few tips how to build real rapport.

1) Do not be distracted

When communicating with a customer, pay attention exclusively to him or her. Nothing and no one else should matter. If you are distracted by your surroundings, the customer will have the impression of that you do not respect him enough.

2) Take notes

If you fully concentrate on a customer, you will notice things you missed before. It becomes easier for you to pick up on the customer's problems and doubts, and when they are feeling confused. It is not enough to listen, you have to write things down. Then you can analyze the situation better and return to it in the future. A seller who claims that he does not have to take notes because he keeps everything in his head is either arrogant or cannot work effectively. Customers will appreciate your paying attention to them and understanding their issues.

 3) Use customers concerns

Involve the customer's needs, interests and everything else you learnt during conversations with him into your final solutions. You will gain his respect. You have to know information about your products, including how you incorporated the customer's concerns. You should be able to explain this information to specific customers.

Rapport comes from building dialogue, trust and clarity around the customer.


Article source Call Centre Helper - British weekly online call centre magazine
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