Sales negotiation: How to achieve a win-win

An ideal business meeting results in a mutual benefit. The Selling Power magazine offers six tips on how to achieve it: 


A lot of sales people have written on their forehead that they want to make a deal. That makes their counterpart too careful. He knows that if they are hesitant, they are likely to achieve a better outcome. So be patient.


Ask questions so that you clarify the needs of your counterpart. Well-aimed question can stir up many thoughts and ideas, which help you to understand them. Focus on areas with which you can help.


Listen carefully. Think well about your reply. Do not interrupt. Everything is a matter of further discussion, which must develop gradually. Be open.

Maximizing profits through effective sales process

A formalized sales process will help you take advantage of available sales analytics and use them to prepare sales strategies.

Clear communication

Beware of technical terms and slang. Your role is to explain! Complex language can create communication barriers.


Avoid judgments. Speak neutral language, simply describe things. You're not a teacher, rather someone who can help find a solution to the problem.


It's worth especially when negotiating the price. Offer better freight rates, special packages, extended payment terms, etc. Emphasize that these exceptions represent added value and savings.



Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers
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