Improve customers' experiences with you


One of the most important requirements for business success is elevating the customers' experience. In his book Summit: Reach Your Peak and Elevate Your Customers' Experience, F. Scott Addis, experienced salesman and manager, states that the main sources of success with customers involve listening, engagement, creativity and highlighting your offer. The most important points of the book were summarised by

1) Listen

Every relationship, even in business, requires listening as well as talking. If you want to collaborate with clients, you have to hear out their dreams, goals and ambitions. Customers will appreciate your listening to them and their view of you will improve. They will see you not only as a businessperson, but as someone who wants to help.

2) Use the diversity of your products and services

If you want to catch someone's attention, you should step outside the norm being offered by others. Learn to highlight the variety of your products and services and how you differ from your competitors. Then it will be easier to form relationships.

3) Demonstrate the value of your offer

Of course, the quality and price of the offer is important. But if you really want to show your own value, you have to be willing to find out what your customer wants or needs. This will create a valuable connection between the customer and yourself. The result will be a loyal customer who will repeatedly buy from you and recommend you to others.

4) Show your enthusiasm and creativity

Be highly involved in your work and try different procedures. Just because something works does not mean it cannot work even better. Try to learn something from every situation. With this attitude your products and services will improve.

5) Be engaged

When in contact with customers, you should focus on them totally. Do everything to determine and meet their needs. They are the reason for what you do. Respect them, pay attention to them and they will repay you - amongst other things by spreading good references about you.


Article source Sales & Marketing Management - a US website for salespeople and marketers
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