Facebook's news feed gets a significant "facelift"


Facebook announced a series of changes that will have a significant impact on social marketing. The main changes concern the display of posts in users' news feed, and the introduction of the "Following Feed" function. Changes were reportedly introduced due to increased number of published photos and videos.

The new "Wall" will be much wider, and thanks to that, posts will have much more space. Visual message will thus have a stronger impact than before.

  1. Visual content. Visual posts shared by third parties will get much more space. Most of the space will be devoted to the visual content, minimum space about friends who have shared it.
  2. The new liking. One of the best changes for marketers: When a friend likes a page, the user will see its profile as well as cover photos in a large format. This makes it much more likely that friends will also become fans.
  3. Sharing links. Again, a great space will be devoted to a graphic preview if the contents includes it. In addition, users can see their friends comments to the link.
  4. Curated stories. In their news feed, users will see selected articles about what they Liked.
  5. Following Feed. A new feature that allows users to see, in a chronological order, all posts of pages they Liked. However, the user must choose this function. So far, Facebook posts show to only about 16% of fans.
  6. Mobile view. Facebook will look on your phone much like on the web, ie. user experience will be similar.

All changes are already being tested on some user accounts. It has not yet been determined exactly when they will be applied to all user accounts.



Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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