Improve your sales in three steps


Do you have problems successfully closing your sales? Salespeople often repeat mistakes and you may be doing the same without realising it. If you want to be a successful salesperson, remember that you have to listen to your customers, aim high (but within reason) and spend time on preparation. Find inspiration in an article published on

Listen more than you talk

Most salespeople talk much more than they listen. But it is worth listening to your customers. By following their body language, you can recognise how your customers feel and the best way to communicate with them. When the customer is explaining something to you, carefully absorb the information and do not think about what to do or ask next. Thanks to active listening, you will understand your customer better and it will be easier for you to close the deal.

Aim high but know your options

The goal of your efforts is to maximise sales, although achieving this may be a difficult task. Before meeting with a specific customer, rehearse or at least visualise your sales presentation so you can convey what you need to the customer and not lose confidence. To fulfil your goal, you need to practise, have emergency plans and adjust to the interests of the customer.

Systematic preparation

The best prepared salespeople have the best results. Some salespeople consider preparation to mean internet research; however, you should go much deeper than googling potential customers. Analyse points in your favour and points against. Document your highest possible goal and what to do if things go wrong. Collect data systematically and use it to create a sales strategy and basic script for your presentation.


Article source Sales & Marketing Management - a US website for salespeople and marketers
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