Haunting negative thoughts you must suppress in sales

Every salesperson must actively work on their motivation. Your psychological state of mind plays a key role in work results, and still, it often happens that salespeople miss opportunities and don't reach their full potential because they're full of self-doubt. Many a deal was spoiled by negative thoughts and what-ifs. What are the most common negative thoughts and doubts salespeople have before they approach a prospect, and can you fight them?


„Why should they be interested?“

According to Forbes, this is the most common doubt. The salesperson is not sure if the prospect is even interested in the product, but you must the one to wake up this interest! This is done by finding out what the client's need or problem is, and then offering your product as a means of handling this problem or covering the need.

Don't offer a product, offer help. If needed, adjust prospecting so that you only approach  the target audience that is likely to have a certain problem / need.

„They already have this service through another provider …“

This is quite possible, especially if you offer a common commodity. You must add some extra value to your offer; something that will make the prospect interested.

This can't just be a lower price, because not only would you have to offer your product unnecessarily cheaply, but also that the price itself is not usually enough to make the client abandon the status quo and change their supplier. You need to offer something extra.

„They'll think I'm too pushy. People dislike salespeople.“

If you approach leads with this on your mind, they really will look at you in a negative way. Also, you really might seem too pushy if you're trying to be liked by the prospect at all costs in a way that is too desperate and old fashioned.

Use unusual methods. And, most importantly, before offering the product you must qualify the prospect. Talk to them about their problems, about what they need, what they're asking for and what they're dealing with. If people see genuine interest, they like to talk about themselves.

And if you, by chance, don't find a match between your product and the needs of the prospect, don't be afraid to say goodbye, thank them for their time and try your luck with another lead.


Article source Forbes.com - prestigious American business magazine and website
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