Do you want to get people's attention during a presentation? Use a promise

Even in the current age of computers, new technologies and available data, the promise one person makes to another is something that engages a prospect, and that certainly makes you, the salesperson, more reliable in your offer. There are several rules about these kinds of promises so they don't do more harm than good.


Don't promise anything if you're not sure you can do it

You should only make a promise if you're absolutely positive that you can fulfil it. This doesn't mean that you can't include a certain condition in the promise. According to, it's possible to build the promise in the following way: “If you do A, then I promise I'll do B”.

Be as specific as possible

When the  promise concerns the function of your product or customer service, be specific. Only then can your word make an impact on the prospect because only then will the customer have something concrete they can rely on.

Reflect the priorities of the client

The customer usually approaches you with a certain problem or request, and often has one specific priority. You should use this and the promise in your presentation, and it should reflect this priority.

Big ideas as the base for a promise

Apart from specific promises concerning your product, you can also use the promise to appeal to the client on a more emotional, abstract level. For example, you can use expressions for big ideas like happiness, love, satisfaction, success, future.

Personalization of the promise

Your promise should not seem like a universal, automatic thing you say to every client. For the promise to seem like a word given by one person to another in a specific situation, it should be a personalized act that reflects the prospect's needs.


Article source - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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