The five worst myths about customer service with fatal consequences

There are myths about everything, and customer service isn't an exception. Some of these myths are so toxic that they can be quite fatal, not only for customer service, but also for the whole company. And because customer service plays such a crucial role in how clients see the whole company, you have to be aware of these myths, and then bust them. Here are the five worst.


„Employees always have to follow a script“

According to Forbes, you must give customer service agents some room for manoeuvre. We are all different, we all have different strengths, and employees should use these strengths when communicating with clients.

„Scripts are useless“

The other extreme is undesirable as well. Lack of any scripts and procedures leads to chaos, and the team won't be unified and consistent in the services it provides.

„Customer service can be done by anybody“

It is surprising how little attention managers pay to choosing new customer service agents. Customer service can't be done by everybody, and the same attention should be paid to choosing new customer service employees as well, for instance, new salespeople.

„Customer service isn't important“

Many companies keep improving their sales methods. However, many of them often don't pay enough attention to the development of customer service, even though it represents the whole company. It's also a separate sales tool, because customer retention and referrals are, to a large extent, dependent on how satisfied customers are with the company's customer service.

„Common sense is enough“

Lack of modern analytical tools that measure customer satisfaction, employee performance and the overall efficiency of customer service can be fatal in the long run.


Article source - prestigious American business magazine and website
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