Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Vodafone launches global maternity policy

The British telecommunication group Vodafone is introducing a global maternity policy to support new…

Study: Women in the EU earn 16% less than men

The gender pay gap in the European Union amounts to an average of 16.4% to the disadvantage of…

Why does nobody respond to your job ads?

You have posted a job advertisement on a job portal or in the printed press and nobody responds.…

Shared maternity leave started in the UK

The law on sharing maternity leave, the so-called Shared Parental Leave Regulations 2014, came into…

How much does hiring the wrong manager cost?

Making a wrong move when hiring a top manager may cost a company more than $ 1.5 million, not…

Counteroffers: Yes, or no?

Are counteroffers the right way to retain talented employees? This question has recently been asked…

Study: 2013 salaries of (not only) HR professionals in the Czech Republic

The professional recruiting company Hays Czech Republic published its annual Salary Survey. It is an…

Study: Women, men and working conditions in Europe

Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working conditions. These are the main…

Obstacles in salespeople recruiting

No matter how bad the overall situation on the labor market, salespeople are still one of the most…

Listing 28 to 36 out of 66