5 most common myths about social media


Everyone does it but few really understand it. This is exactly what can be said about our presence on social media - and it is true of both people and businesses. See below what you have probably heard on this topic but is not really true.

  1. The results are seen immediately because social networks operate in real time. This would mean social networks are a miraculous tool. But miracles do not exist. Building a community takes time, as does gaining that community's confidence. Patience will bear fruit.
  2. The more networks, the greater the reach. Wrong. Just being everywhere will not attract more people and certainly not the right people, namely potential clients. It pays to spend time preparing and ascertaining where you can find the people who interest you. A larger number of platforms is really suitable only for a handful of companies.
  3. The more posts, the better. If they all have added value for the client, then it may be so and you are to be congratulated. Otherwise, a large amount of tedious or repetitive posts just discourages your audience.
  4. If I check it a few times a week, it'll be fine. Social networks are a full-time job in the sense that somebody must be available in case there is a conversation in progress. This is because people are discussing things on the internet 24 hours a day and part of the job is to monitor such conversations and, if necessary, participate. Otherwise, the essence of presence on social media loses its meaning.
  5. Social media pay off because they are free. Basically yes, but in practice this is changing every day. If you want to be seen, it is also necessary to invest. Having 2000 fans does not mean they all receive everything you post and read it. Nevertheless, the cost of reaching them is significantly lower than with other media.


Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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