5 emotions influencing buying decisions


Buying decisions of customers are greatly influenced by five emotions. BusinessBrief points them out and advises salespeople on how to work with them and influence them in favor of closing the sale.

  1. Acceptance. People are always looking for ways to improve their position in the society, or in case of a company its position in the market and in the industry. During sales conversations, salespeople should show how the product brings the prospect closer to their goal. You can ask directly in the beginning: "What are the main priorities of your business over the next six to twelve months?" Then you know how to proceed further.
  2. Validation. Customers want to feel rewarded and assured that they are doing the right thing. In light of these feelings, salespeople can respond to objections or disagreements by showing empathy and thanking you for a new angle to to the matter, or by confirming the opinion of prospects by adjusting the value proposition based on this feedback.
  3. Convenience. Salespeople need to take into consideration today's competitive marketplace, people choose based on what is the most convenient for them. This aspect plays a role especially if the sale should become a long-term supplier-customer relationship.
  4. Control. Majority of people are more open to buying, if they feel that they can control the whole process. Salespeople can allow prospects to choose the delivery times, dates of meetings, or payment terms. With the ability to control some parts of the buying process, the customer does not feel that he was pushed into the transaction.
  5. Sense of belonging. The single most important reason for buying is that the main competitors already have the product. Therefore, product purchase will mean the company becomes part of the "group of product-conscious." Testimonials of famous names are priceless to deal with this emotion, especially when the specific benefit from the product to the client is mentioned. In such case, the prospect is also told how exactly they can increase their competitiveness.


Article source BusinessBrief.com - a U.S. website focused on business
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