How to get customers at a trade show


Are you going to trade show? published the article on how to find as many customers as possible. 

1) Set up what you want to achieve at the trade show

If your sales objective is to introduce yourself to companies or individuals, your strategy is wrong. Customers come to trade shows to buy. Your objective should be to learn how to quickly qualify people who visit you. Then you have a chance to move the sales process forward and do it quickly. It is even better to contact visitors before the trade show and invite them to visit your booth or set up some appointments to meet with people at your booth.

2) Learn about prospects

You need to quickly qualify the visitors who come to your booth. Make a system of saving business cards. Put cards from clients with whom you think there is a chance to make a deal which will be advantageous for you in one place. Put the cards from others you probably will not make a business deal with in another.

Before you start to qualify prospects, ask them questions which will help you divide them. Set criteria such as the number employees, budget or a particular business situation. Finding out if the company is growing or not can also be helpful.

3) Meeting

Contact your visitors within 24 hours. Arrange a meeting with your highly likely to buy prospects, either on the phone or face-to-face. For those customers with a lower probability to buy, make a strategy how to engage them into your sales pipeline. Be in contact with them on a regular basis. Today may be not the time to make a deal with them, but it can be later, so they should remember you.


Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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