5 ways to improve your personal brand in the upcoming year

A personal brand. Every salesperson who wants to be successful should work on it. Your personal brand is everything that comes to mind when people hear your name. It includes your expertise, emotional intelligence, reliability, professionalism, aspects of your personal life and your overall philosophy. There is no powerful business person without a strong personal brand, which is why we're presenting five ways in which you can improve your own personal brand in 2018.


Launch a blog

A blog is a great way to present yourself and provide information about what's going on in your personal life, what's new, what you're working on and what your opinions are. A blog that's a clever balance between promoting yourself and informing readers can be quite successful according to Entrepreneur.com.

Write articles on LinkedIn

Writing articles on LinkedIn works in a similar way as writing a blog. Write exclusive, original content that analyses a certain narrow, specific issue.

Start participating in local social events

Before you're a big fish in a big pond, you have to be a big fish in a small pond. This is why you should join local events, become a member of the local community and participate in local cultural and social gatherings.

Be a step ahead

People are impressed by others who never stop thinking about innovations and new ways of doing things. Be familiar with new trends, keep learning, go to training, and be interested in what's happening in your industry.

Have yourself professionally photographed

LinkedIn profiles with no picture are opened 80% less than profiles with a picture. This is proof of how important your professional photograph is. Invest in a professional picture of yourself and use this photograph in promotional materials and on social and professional networks.


Article source Entrepreneur.com - website of a leading U.S. magazine for entrepreneurs
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