4 tricks always to exceed your monthly sales goals

No salesperson or entrepreneur should do business blindly, as it were. Everyone should have a strategy, goals and plans, both long-term and short-term. In the world of business, systems of monthly assessment and monthly sales goals often work quite well. Here are four tricks not just to achieve the goals every month but even exceed them.


These tricks appeared in an article on the professional blog of the HubSpot company.

Have a long-term plan

At the core of success there are well-prepared plans. And that is only possible if you proceed from the end to the beginning. In other words, you must first create a yearly plan that you portion into smaller goals and then into monthly plans. Remember that your calculations should also take into account all potential illnesses, vacations and weaker periods that are traditionally bad for business in your sector every year.

Always be seeking new clients

Many salespeople make the mistake that whenever they are enjoying short-term success in selling, they forget during current negotiations with prospects to look for new customers. Then, having finalised their current deals, they realise they have to start again from scratch. Never stop seeking new clients, even if at the given moment you are selling successfully.

Learn to give people a sense of urgency

One of the best ways to speed up selling cycles and often even to cajole the prospect into making any kind of decision is to create a sense of urgency. Design an authentic system of temporary offers, proposals valid only until a certain number of products have been sold, or anything that forces clients to decide immediately.

Learn to recognise lost cases quickly

A good salesperson must be able to detect opportunities, but also recognise if the given case is a dead end from the very beginning. Learn to notice the telltale signs that there is no point in wasting time on the given prospect so you can nip these cases in the bud and save precious time.


Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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