3 cheap ways to boost sales team morale


Sales people are most productive when they are happy and in a good mood. So if you want to support your team's efficiency and increase their morale, use the following tips from the Business Brief.

  • Praise. In the beginning of the week go around the office and have every employee acknowledge something that someone else did. You can do this at a meeting of the department.
  • Save all positive correspondence from customers, colleagues or co-workers, where a member of your team is praised or mentioned in a positive context. When there is a suitable opportunity, read out these e-mails or letters aloud.
  • Make a box in your office called eg "see the positive." It will be intended for your team to write about small things that their colleagues are doing well, but which are usually unnoticed. This will support optimistic mood in the office.



Article source BusinessBrief.com - a U.S. website focused on business
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