12 ways to make better marketing brochures


Every year a lot of business rely too much on a single communication channel: the Internet. But marketing is not about what communication medium works best. It is about customer acquisition and retention. People still expect a real company will have its brochure. They can take it home and read it.

A brochure is a tool to support other marketing activities such as advertising, direct mail or internet advertising. A good brochure can still sell.  AllBusiness provides 12 tips on how to design the best brochure.

  1. You know what the reader wants. I.e. write from his point of view - what does the reader need to know to decide to buy your goods? 
  2. Motivate readers to open the publication. Everyone sees the first the cover of the brochure. If you can not motivate the reader to open it, you missed the opportunity to sell. The cover may promise the reader that it contains a free report, vouchers for a discount, information about sales, etc. 
  3.   A brochure, which contains 8 or more pages, must have a table of contents.  Good contents will help you sell the inside of the brochure - each item of the list should contain the main advantages what you are selling. 
  4. Write down the benefits of the product. Not its characteristics, but the benefits for the customer. Describe them in detail. 
  5. Clients should keep your brochure. When you provide quality information, they will keep it and might even lend it to their friends. 
  6. Be creative when designing the shape of the publication. Standard formats can be boring. 
  7. Try to be personal. Imagine a speaker talking to a crowed and suddenly stepping out and choosing one of his audience and talking directly to him. Try to do the same in your brochure. It is more likely that the reader will believe you. 
  8. Create the atmosphere. When you sell fireplaces, do not just describe what you can offer. Describe how a person feels in a room with a fireplace when it´s freezing outside. 
  9. Start selling from the first page. Too much information or too little - both are wrong. Tell the main points and make sure that your contact information, prices and ordering information can be easily found. 
  10. Focus on customer needs. Caution - what you consider important may not be interesting for your readers.
  11. Provide directions. You booklet should have a simple orientation system that allows readers to quickly skim through and find everything they need. Each headline should motivate them to read the section. 
  12. Do not forget the call to action. Each brochure must end with a clear call to action. You can provide a toll-free number for more information or some other simple contact mechanism. If this is placed on each page of the booklet, you increase your chances. 



Article source AllBusiness - a U.S. website and community for small businesses
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