The perfect post on Facebook: Is it really science?


Have you ever tried to search the internet on how to engage fans via a Facebook post? No doubt you have come across thousands of links. How do you find your way around with so many sources? Try using the cumulative knowledge of Social Media Today.

Every post on Facebook should be simple and easy to understand. At the same time, it represents the voice of a brand or a company, which speaks to current or potential customers. And that requires a quite some thought.

  1. Pay attention to preparation. All pictures before publishing should be saved using the right keywords. You can also use a web address. Pay close attention to descriptions of all the pictures and videos before they are posted to your wall.
  2. Include URL. Even in a short post which is not thematically connected to your business, you can easily attach a link to your website. Eg.: "Wishing you a nice weekend from ......"
  3. Call to action. Posts with a call to action increase engagement, as has been many times demonstrated by a number of studies. Just ask readers for to share, click, or anything else, but simply a call to action is an essential requirement of a successful Facebook post.

These three simple steps must be supported by other conditions which apply to all social media posts in general:

  • Relevance. Write about what interests your audience.
  • Authenticity, which supports the credibility of the brand.
  • Positivity.
  • Diversity. Your audience should never get bored on social media.

Perfect posts on Facebook can be created on a regular basis, but it requires practice. We recommend that you stick to the steps above and repeat them over and over: Preparation, URL, call to action.


Article source Social Media Today - a U.S. website focused on social media
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