Tablet users spend online more than smartphone users

According to a study conducted by Adobe titled Adobe Digital Marketing Insights, tablet users spent in 2011 in average $123 per purchase, which is about 54% more than the average spending of a smartphone user.

Apparently one mobile strategy is not enough. According to Adobe, it is necessary to carefully segment customers and adapt communication for different target groups that are specific for their different consumer behavior.

According to the study, there are 2 main reasons why tablet users have a higher value than other users of smartphones and laptops. They are typically wealthier, and also using a tablet is far more attractive for shopping than using smartphones.

But is it possible that the situation may change after tablets become more widely used, which is expected due to cuts in their prices? According to the authors of the study, this is not yet predictable.

The Adobe study analyzed 16 billion website visits of more than 150 online shops in the course of 2011.


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