4 essential pieces of advice on prospecting

No matter how big your client base is, and how loyal it is, companies usually rely on new customers to keep going. Here are four essential tips related to prospecting and to addressing new clients.


Set a certain time every day or every week

According to the SalesGravy server, businesspeople often make the mistake of not actively seeking new clients when they momentarily have enough. It's only when the current supply of “hot” leads dries out do they start new sales cycles. Learn to prospect regularly, no matter what situation you're currently in, so that you always have prospective clients in various stages of negotiation at any given time.

Keep updating your databases

Obsolete and non-functional databases are as good as no databases at all. Regular maintenance and updating are a must, especially now during the current economic boom, in which people frequently change positions and there is a good chance that the contacts that you don't check might not be correct.

Have a system

Create a system. Without it, seeking out new clients is just playing blind man's buff. Define the target audiences you want to address. Find the VIP prospects in those groups who you should address first, and only then get in touch with the others.

Be in a positive mood

If you want to prospect, but are in a bad mood, you can never succeed. Learn to be able to get into a good mood and have a positive attitude. When making a call or having a meeting, always expect that it will end in success.


Article source Sales Gravy - international networking community for Sales Professionals
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