Do social media take up too much of your time?


Do you feel you need to be more effective in administrating your social media accounts? Then use social media management tools: you will be able to administrate several channels easily and also schedule new posts in advance. If you want more such time-saving tips, the website has some to share.

Be authentic

Authenticity is a key characteristic of content that people expect especially from small businesses. Don’t overthink it, just be yourself. Keep it honest and real. If you share the things that are really linked to your business and everyday work, it will also cost you much less time.

What represents you, your staff and your brand is what should be on your social media accounts. Sometimes a short and simple question can be a big win. When the time is right and the topic is interesting, it can work wonders. Nor is it a very time-consuming activity: you just ask and respond occasionally in order to make the communication a two-way process.

Be social as you travel

There is no need to sit at your desk to be able to provide your customers with quality content. You can – and should – take advantage of your mobile devices. Appropriate applications can help you with this: use Feedly and Hootsuite to manage and administer your content on social media. Or you can store all the interesting things you have found on the web, go through them later and share only the best items with your audience.

Use external content

There definitely should be some content created by yourself. But it would be costly and take a lot of effort to provide excellent and original content all the time. For small businesses in particular it is perfectly OK to share inspirational videos and blog posts created by others. You can find and select content that will be relevant and beneficial for your audience. It is quick: just share a link and add your own comment or your opinion on the topic. State why you consider the link to be worthwhile. Filter the vast content of the Internet for your customers and there will be no need to rely on content generated by your own means.


Article source Business Know-How - U.S. website focused on small and home business
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